Thursday, February 28, 2008

Male Pattern Baldness, Hair Loss and DHT

Today nearly 90% of men suffer from male pattern baldness, which is called Androgenetic Alopecia. Most men experience moderate hair loss by the time they reach the age of 50. Men usually start losing hair with a receding hair line or thinning of the crown of the head.

Male hair loss is mainly due to the chemical dihydrotestosterone which accumulates around hair follicles deteriorate the hair shaft. Not all follicles fall out; it all depends on genetics. This is the reason some men go bald, and some don’t. It is usually through aging and genetics that men go bald. Some men don’t go bald; their hair starts thinning due to male pattern baldness. Genetics causes this gradual deterioration of follicles for each new phase of hair growth, and each round the hair is less pigmented and shortened, until eventually the follicle expires. The condition is not as pronounced in women because women on the whole produce less testosterone, which is the main constituent of DHT.

Besides aging, braiding that African American men, stress, chemicals in hair products and Alopecia Areata are the other causes of male hair loss. And to help you overcome this hairloss, there are many male hair loss treatments in the market available today.

Before starting or buying any treatment for male pattern baldnes, it is better to first consult your doctor. This is because through the right questions, the doctor will be able to find out the cause of your hair loss and give the corresponding treatment. Most of the causes for male pattern baldness are reversible; and by pinpointing these causes, the right treatment can be rendered.

There are some medical and treatments that induce hair loss in women and men; and on its termination, hair starts growing back. Similarly, some medical conditions induce male hair loss and on treating this, hair starts growing back. In such areas, there is no specific need of hair loss treatment. Sometimes, heredity also induces pattern baldness in men and there is nothing much that can be done to treat the condition.

Male hair loss treatments are available as topical applications like minoxidil, which is applied on the scalp. It is found in various names in the market and cleaims to slow hair loss. Finasteride is another treatment taken as a tablet that slows hair fall and promotes hair growth in some men. Most topical solutions for male pattern baldness are centered around disrupting the effects of DHT, in other words, acting as a DHT Blocker on the hair follicle, which delays deterioration.

Sometimes it may be necessary to adopt surgical methods like hair transplant surgery where hair from other parts of the body is removed and replanted on the affected area. Scalp reduction is a surgical method where a small part of the good hair area is removed to stretch over areas affected by hair loss. All these hair restoration procedures may not be possible for everyone as these treatments are rather expensive and male pattern baldness, in all seriousness, is simply a natural phenomenon. So one choice is to simply go bald, and to start a fad showing the beauty of baldness!