Thursday, February 28, 2008

Vitamins for Hair Loss

Compared with other nutrients like carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins are a minor part of a normal person's diet. Yet, their presence in food is as important as anything else and the deficiency of any one of the many known vitamins can be the cause of ill health. Hair loss is one such condition, which, besides other causes, is induced to a notable degree by improper intake of certain vitamins. Following is an overview of these vitamins for hair loss, their sources, and their role in keeping the hair healthy.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A keeps the hair healthy by helping them get natural skin oil, the sebum. Loss of vitamin A in the body causes the hair to turn rough and the skin to go dry. Vitamin A is stored in the liver. Natural food sources of vitamin A include cabbage, apricot, carrots, peaches, egg, milk, cheese, fish liver oil etc. A daily intake of 2500 to 5000 IU is recommended for most people. Vitamins for hair loss include Vitamins A, however It should be remembered that taking too much vitamin A can harm the health instead of boosting it. This is because the extra quantity that cannot be stored in the liver builds up in other body parts and causes symptoms like headache, nausea, drowsiness, and even hair loss.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is perhaps the most important of all hair loss vitamins. It has been found by some studies to not only prevent hair loss but also to reverse the process of hairs going gray. Vitamin E is also considered as anti-aging. Natural food sources of vitamin E include green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, dried beans, wheat germ, soya beans, and spinach. Taking about 400 IU daily meets the natural requirement of the body and this vitamin helps prevent hair loss to a degree. Since vitamin E is known to raise blood pressure, people who are experiencing high blood pressure should consult their physician before taking vitamin E.


One of the types of vitamin B is Inositol, found in natural food sources like citrus fruits, whole grains, liver, and brewer's yeast. Recommended daily dose of Inositol is up to 600 mg. Its deficiency can cause hair loss and eczema (skin irritation), so this is an important vitamin for hair loss and to prevent scalp and skin related issues. Inositol has been found to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin H

Vitamin H, also called Biotin, is in fact a type of vitamin B, known as one of the main vitamins for hair loss. It plays a key role in preventing hair loss as well as remedying of graying hair. The richest natural source of biotin is egg yolk, followed by kidney, liver, yeast, and milk. Biotin supplements also help in preventing hairloss.

Vitamin B Group

Members of vitamin B group that are known as preventative vitamins for hair loss include B3, B5, B6, and B12. Natural sources of vitamin B3 include meats, fish, wheat germ, and Brewer's yeast. The daily recommended intake of vitamin B3 is about 15 mg. This should not be exceeded. Vitamin B5 is found in egg yolk, whole grains, meat, and brewer's yeast. Its recommended dose is up to 7 mg daily. Vitamin B6 is needed in lower amounts i.e. about 1.6 mg daily. But it is important to take since it gives the hair its natural color. Liver, whole grains, vegetables, and meats are its natural sources. 2 mg daily intake of vitamin B12 is recommended for healthy hair. Chicken, eggs, milk, and fish are its natural food sources.