Thursday, February 28, 2008

Frontal Hair Loss - Causes and Treatment

While losing hair is very common among men, the sad truth is that frontal type loss is probably the most difficult type that a man is going to need to deal with. Not only can it be difficult to prevent and treat , but it is the most noticeable type of baldness because it is right in front of every one. If you are going through frontal receding, you are probably wondering whether or not it is even treatable, and what your treatment options are. Here, you will learn more about the most common causes of thinning hair as well as your available treatment options.
What causes it?

Male Pattern Baldness, or MPB, is a genetic condition, which is caused by a male sex hormone called DiHydroTestosterone, otherwise known as DHT. It is produced when testosterone combines with a certain type of enzyme. DHT then attacks the hair follicles and shrinks them, shortening their growth phase cycle. This happens slowly, and majority of the time, you will not even notice it taking place. In fact, some men may even lose up to fifty percent of their frontal hair before they even begin to notice that any type of hair loss is taking place.

So, what are the treatment options of frontal hair loss?

There are a number of different treatment options that you can decide to choose from a number of different available choices. One of these options is Propecia. Although Propecia is proven to work for majority of people who lose hair, there is no accurate evidence that shows that it works for people who have receding hair lines at the temples. However, it does help in preventing and treating hair loss that occurs in the frontal and mid scalp anterior regions. Of course, if you are looking for the best option for you cost wise, Propecia can be expensive, as it costs between sixty and one hundred fifty dollars per month.

Rogaine is another replacement option that you have for frontal hair loss. Although it will cause new hair growth throughout most of the head, including frontal regions, it will not grow new hair in the temple region of the head. When it is taken twice daily for at least four hours for a duration of four months, however, you will no longer anymore hair loss, even at times in the temple region.

Another option that you have for treating hair fall in the frontal region. You must visit a clinic that specializes in hairloss. Cost wise, hair restoration is probably the most expensive option for you to treat your hair loss. Although prescription drugs and topical creams may seem as though they are the best option, the amount of money that you will pay each month is going to add up in the end.