Thursday, February 28, 2008

Men Place a High Value on Hair

Most men with male pattern hair loss would part with their prized possessions for more hair, according to a recent survey.

The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) participated in a national online survey of men with male pattern hair loss. The 2,338 men who were polled were asked whether or not they would trade a personal possession for more hair. They were also asked to choose the item they treasure the most and would be willing to part with from a list of six items.

The majority of respondents (57 percent) reported that they would be willing to give up something they owned in exchange for more hair. Of this group, 26 percent stated they would be willing to part with their stereo system, 21 percent chose their cell phone and 17 percent said they would give up an expensive car. Another 17 percent stated that they would part with their laptop computer, 13 percent would give up their plasma TV, and 6 percent said they would do without a boat.

"This survey confirms that men place an extremely high value on their hair and would go to great lengths to restore it—even if it means giving up something valuable to them," said Dr. Paul C. Cotterill, president of the ISHRS, in a press release. "When most of us reflect on what would make us happy this holiday season, I think we would find that intangibles, such as looking or feeling better, would top more wish lists than expensive gifts."

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hair loss is a hereditary condition distinguished by a receding hairline and the disappearance of hair from the top of the head, eventually balding a part or the entire top of the scalp. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in humans, affecting millions of men worldwide.