Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hair Loss Care - Natural Cures?

An overwhelming number of men and women today are worried about saving themselves from baldness and finding a hair loss cure. Getting an effective hair loss solution is central to their health (and beauty) care concerns. By a sad chance, the treatment options available to balding people, especially to balding men (men suffer from hair loss more often and more severely than do women), are limited. Still we see, as follows, that a hope for hair loss cure is not confined to a single method.
Is There a Hair Loss Cure for Men

Currently, only two medical treatment options for hair loss are available for men in UK and most of the western world. These are: drug therapy, and hair transplants. However, since hairloss is primarily genetic, there is no essential man-made or natural cure for hair loss. Losing hair simply part of life and growth, and maturity as well as age.

Drug Therapy

While drugs are not a permanent hair loss cureand do not at all guarantee complete hair recovery, some improvement results from their use. The following drugs have been more successful in countering hair loss problem.


Sold by the trade name Regaine, Minoxidil tablet was originally made for treating high blood pressure. Noticing that the drug worked in growing new hair, Minoxidil was developed further as preventative use medication. Now it is widely used as topical drug especially by men with male pattern baldness. It is available as lotion for rubbing into the scalp daily. The lotion can be bought without a prescription provided that the pharmacist is present on the premises where the purchase is made and confirms that it is safe for you to get Regaine. Minoxidil has been reported to stop hair loss effectively but good new hair growth comes only in about one third of the users, so it should not be classified as a natural cure for hair loss. Response time is about four months. It has also been found that stopping the use of Minoxidil again results in the onset hair loss.


Finesteride is available by the name Propecia. Finesteride works by inhibiting the conversion of the hormone testosterone into DHT, a process responsible for hair loss. Reversible side effects related to sex drive, volume of semen etc. have been reported from the use of Finesteride. The drug is available on prescription only, and does not claim to cure hair loss due to the fact it does not work for everyone.

Anti-Androgen Therapy

Different hormonal drugs have been used, by experts in hormone therapy, to directly block the activity of DHT and thus stop hair loss. This approach comes under the rubric anti-androgen therapy.

Hair Transplant Surgery

In simple words, hair transplant surgery rearranges the scalp surface to bring the volume of bald areas on head to a minimum, thus maximizing the spots with good hair growth. Surgery is meant for long-term hair treatment and is obviously more expensive than drug therapy, but is also not a hair loss cure. Instead, the process uses other hair units to fill in the missing spots and affected area. Finding an expert surgeon is also not easy. One thing to remember is that surgery does not guarantee the cessation of hair loss around the reconstructed areas and more than one surgeries are usually required to get your hair nicely growing.

Hair Loss in Women

Women suffer hair loss less often and less severely than men. The cure for women runs along the same lines as men - there is no permanent cure yet. Rogaine (another trade variant of Regaine) and Propecia are the two most commonly used drugs for hair loss in women. Hair transplant therapy has also become popular in recent years. In retrospect, it is easy to see that there is no cure for hair loss, because the condition is a natural process and phenomenon.