There are threemain types of scalp and hair issues. These can be very irritating if not dealt with. There are many ways to help fix and maintain all three issues.
The first of the three scalp conditions is dandruff, which everybody gets at one time or another in their lives. This is most common and is a mild form, there is little to normal shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. When the white flakes land on the collar or shoulders of one’s clothing they can become an unattractive cosmetic nuisance. With this scalp condition, some people experience a heavier amount of flakes that adhere to the scalp and fall in a literal blizzard onto their clothing, bedding and furniture. When someone had excessive oiliness of the scalp, a heavy accumulation of flakes can be pasted to the scalp in oily mounds and presenting hair in whitish globs.
The second of the major scalp conditions is seborrhea meaning oily skin, scalp and hair. The sensation of “oiliness” of skin, scalp and hair is one that most people dislike and believe to be unattractive to other people as well. Though, the perception of “oiliness” or “greasiness” is highly personal and may or may not be objectively identified with excess skin oil (sebum) production. A feeling of major oiliness in your hair could be a sign of accumulation or degradation of hair cosmetic products, or even by-products of heavy scalp perspiration. Mainly occurring during the teenage years, a peak period from which sebum production usually declines as a person ages.
The last of these scalp conditions is seborrheic dermatitis which is a common, chronic condition of the scalp that affects people at all ages from infancy through middle age: however, the two peak periods of some of the worst cases is in the first 3 months of life when seborrheic dermatitis is known as “cradle cap”, and from approximately ages 30 to 70 years of age.
The most prominent features of seborrheic dermatitis are excessive oiliness of the scalp and hair, and greasy yellowish scaled that grow into crusts covering a red, inflamed, moist scalp’s skin. Another sign is increased intense itching. In more severe cases the condition involves the eyebrows, cheeks, and the folds of the nose. The intense itching may cause hard scratching that will make the inflammation worse in which case opens a secondary infection by bacteria, yeasts and fungi. This can also resemble psoriasis, and may even overlap causing a condition called sebopsoriasis.