If you have a child who has been losing a lot of hair lately, you are probably looking for some answers. Is it even possible for hair loss to occur within children? Well, the truth is that it does, in fact.
How common is it amongst children?
The truth is that hair loss within children is really not very common. However, at the same time, nearly two million children in the United States suffer from some form of hairloss or thinning due to a number of factors.
As they get older, sixty percent of these children will outgrow the condition, while only forty percent will not outgrow it and continue to lose hair at various rartes.
So what are the causes of for this?
There are a number of different reasons that hair loss can occur within children. The most common of these reasons is physiologic pause in hair growth, called the telogen phase. This is most common within girls and during it, the bulb at the end of the hair root decreases in volume and the hair becomes loose. Another way that hair loss in children can be caused is through ring worm, which when it is near an area where hair is, the hair shaft becomes brittle close to the skin and then snaps off.
Children alopecia, which is a spontaneous loss of hair that may occur in either patches or across the entire scalp, has no known treatment. Genetics may also play a huge role in hair loss among children. One of the main reasons for which hair loss occurs in children is child trichotillomania, which is when a nervous habit that causes the child to pull out their hair. Generally, the child will only pull the hair out so that is broken near the skin, rather than from the root. In order to treat hair loss that is due to this condition, the child will require psychological counseling.
What are the treatments of hair loss in children?
There are a number of different ways to prevent any further problems and treat hair loss that has occurred in children. Some of these treatment options include oral medications, hair loss shampoos and topical lotions, and in the case of child trichotillomania, psychological counseling. In order to find the best possible treatment options for your child’s condition, you should seek the advice of a doctor or dermatologist who specializes in hair.