Apart from healthy diet a weekly scalp massage is a necessity for healthy hair. It helps in stimulating blood flow and reduces the stress that is a major cause for hair loss. Here are some tips for scalp massage.
Hot steam bath will be highly beneficial for your hair and scalp. Massage hot oil and wrap up a hot damp towel on your head for sometime.
Hot oil therapy can cure dandruff and help prevent hair loss. Massage hot oil into your scalp before going to bed. Next morning - an hour before going for bath - mix lemon juice and cosmetic vinegar, and apply it into your scalp with cotton wool. Wash your hair properly. Mix one lemon in one cup of hot water. Apply its as a last rinse.Treat yourself with this massage once or twice in a week for a minimum of three months.
Mix 2 tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and 6 tablespoons of hot water. Pat this with cotton on your scalp and leave it overnight. Next morning wash your hair with a shampoo.
Mix beetroot juice in vinegar. Apply it on your scalp.
Mix ginger juice and beetroot juice. Apply it on your head to cure dandruff and prevent hair loss.
Mix olive oil and almond oil, and apply the mixture on your scalp. Leave it for 5 min after you get the burning sensation. Then rinse properly.
Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water before going to bed. Grind the softened seeds in morning. Apply this paste on your scalp. After half an hour wash your hair with shikakai or ritha solution.
Warm 300 gm of coconut oil with 3 gm of black pepper. Stop heating once it starts boiling. Filter it with a fine cloth and then keep in a bottle. Massage your scalp gently with fingertips during nights.
Use one teaspoon of fresh limejuice for last rinse while washing your hair. It helps the hair to glow and also helps remove stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dilute cider vinegar in equal amount of water. Dab this to your hair with cotton wool in between the shampooing of hair.
Crush beetroot leaves in henna paste, and apply it on your head.
Massage your hair for half an hour with curd that is left open for three days.
Mix few drops of limejuice with amla. Apply it every night to your scalp before going to bed.
Apply processed henna once in 15 days. It can be prepared in this way. Boil equal amounts of shikakai powder and amla in water. Allow it to cool. Then mix henna powder, small amount of roasted clove and fenugreek powder, little lemon juice and egg.
Mix split black gram and milk, and apply it on your scalp.
Beat two eggs. And add 2 tablespoons of water to it. Wet your hair and apply this egg mixture to your hair. Now massage your head and let the mixture be on it for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. It helps in keeping both dandruff and hair loss away from you.